KEYHOLE® Description
New Solution to Carrying Cameras
(SLR, Compact, Digital, Film)
with Varying Length Lenses
No More Fears of Damaging your Expensive Camera while Enjoying Activities like Hiking, Biking, or even Moving through Crowds!
The KEYHOLE® Camera Harness provides the following features:
Accessibility – quickly and easily converts from “hands-free” position to “ready to shoot” position. No complicated hardware.
Protection – securely and safely fastens the camera to your body/harness when not in use.
Comfort – lightweight, versatile, adjustable, and reduces the camera weight off your neck.
Simplicity – easily put on and taken off with quick-disconnect buckles, and easily adapts for all body sizes with adjustable straps. Clean design makes it easy to use.
Colors - currently only available with black straps
Plus the KEYHOLE® Camera Harness can be used with most length lenses, eliminates the need for a sternum strap, and comes with a lens cap keeper as part of the hands-free system.
The KEYHOLE® Camera Harness can also be used with camcorders and compact cameras.
Never leave your camera behind to hike, bike, cross-country ski, snowshoe, or enjoy the outdoors! Never miss another photo while digging your camera from your bag.

How the KEYHOLE® Works
The KEYHOLE® Hands-Free Camera Harness is used with your own backpack or chest harness. If you prefer not to use a backpack or chest harness, please refer to our KEYHOLE® SYSTEM.
The KEYHOLE® Hands-Free Camera Harness is easy to attach to your backpack, provided you have typical 1" wide webbing running down your shoulder straps.
Our quick-attach sternum strap adjusters simply and securely thread onto your backpack shoulder strap webbing, as shown.
Once the camera harness is attached to the shoulder straps, open the quick disconnect buckles to put the backpack on, close the buckles, and cinch all the straps to secure it to your body.
A piece of velcro attached to the camera lens cap acts as a lens cap keeper and prevents lens creep (see bottom photos).
Take our knob and thread it into your camera tripod mount hole. This knob engages into the keyhole shaped plate that is part of the harness.
Attaching the velcro strap to the lens cap, when the lens is in the up position, and securing the cap to the camera, prevents lens creep.
No Creep
To take a photo, simply remove the lens cap, lift the camera up slightly to disengage the knob from the plate and the camera is ready to use.
The KEYHOLE® concept was inspired on a trip while hiking the Inca Trail in Peru. Several problems arose. First, people did not have their cameras readily accessible because with a walking stick in one or both hands, the camera swung while climbing the steep steps. Using a water bottle on top of that was just another added annoyance so the camera went into the backpack and photo opportunities were missed because of the hassle of digging it back out. Second, hiking and camera safety were huge concerns. For those who held their camera in their hand while hiking, protecting the camera was the primary concern and hiking up the uneven steps provided an uneven and unbalanced hiking experience. Another camera safety concern was when Sherpas passed hikers on the trail with their oversized packs on the narrow trail, anything not securely attached to the hikers was bumped, usually a camera hanging on a hip.
Since the inception of the KEYHOLE® it has been designed and tested extensively for biking, skiing, and hiking type activities.
It is simple to use and attaches to your own backpack or chest harness shoulder straps, thus keeping the cost low.
Hiking on the Inca Trail, Peru